Meet Noah DeNeo: Chairman, North Florida Green Chamber Student Advisory Council
How did you get interested in the Student Advisoy Council (SAC)?
I got interested in the SAC through a friend of mine who was in it. I called her one day just to catch up, say hi and see if they were available to meet in person. Amidst the conversation, the SAC came up and the soon to be empty spot of Chair came up. I asked about the SAC and what they did. After hearing all about it, I thought to myself, I support this and can lead it. From there I applied and got offered the position as chair.
What are some of the goals of the SAC?
The goals of the SAC for this semester are as follows. We are looking to build the board and expand by incorporation of more members. We are always looking for eager individuals to join. We are hosting a Sustainability Networking Panel with some UNF professors who will be speaking about their careers and different opportunities in the field. Along with chances to ask questions and talk to the professors. Lastly, we are aiming towards the future of trying to get UNF to transfer to a more sustainable and recyclable silver and flatware for the entire university. It is a bold ambition, but with the right time and team, it can get done!
Is the SAC open to anyone enrolled in a college or university?
It is open to those in a college and university! We are even willing to look at those about to join the university system and graduate. High school seniors are welcome to come and talk with us about joining.
How important is it or students t get involved in the Green Chamber movement?
I believe it is very important. It is a good base structure for a career or a change in your life that promotes sustainable practices. It can give great insight and potentially large outreach to being making a difference in the field or community you are a part in. Even if you do not join the SAC, NFGCC is a great group and community to associate and believe in.
What is your major and career plans?
I am majoring in Coastal and Marine Biology with two minors in Leadership and International Business. I hope to find a career that lets me combine those three things as they are passions in my life. I am currently looking towards graduate school at the University of North Florida and the University of Rhode Island.
University and college students throughout Florida are invited to learn more and join the North Florida Green Chamber Student Advisoty Council.